Hanoi - 3rd air-polluted city in the world
Hanoi - 3rd air-polluted city in the world
19 November, 2022
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According to the IQAir air pollution application, Hanoi had the third highest level of air pollution in the world on the morning of September 14, 2022 with an average AQI index of 164.

On the morning of the aforementioned date, Hanoi ranked third in the ranking of air quality on the AirVisual application (a product of the IQAir organization, which owns a very large amount of aggregated data on air quality and is headquartered in Switzerland). Air pollution in major cities is worldwide. With AQI indexes of 181 and 177, respectively, Dubai (United Arab Emirates) and Lahore (Pakistan) ranked first and second in terms of air pollution. In this same ranking, Hanoi has an AQI index of 164, ranked third in the world in terms of air pollution, behind only Beijing (China). According to the air quality map, in the Hanoi area, many points have purple warning pollution levels (very dangerous to health) such as Nam Tu Liem (AQI index of 199), Au Co street in Tay Ho (185). Many areas also had red warning such as Linh Dam peninsula (159, Nguyen Duy Trinh street (179), Lang Ha (181), and Bac Tu Liem (170). Meanwhile, on the PamAir application, the air quality index in Hanoi also shows quite serious pollution with the highest index scores. These were all purple warning level which is a sign of extreme danger to health. Moreover, According to environmental experts, the phenomenon of temperature inversion with some seasonal breeze makes the northern provinces’ air quality poorer. Data from automatic air monitoring points in recent days show that air quality in many northern localities of Vietnam, especially in Hanoi, is at an alarming level. The air quality in the capital city has deteriorated to “very bad” or even "unhealthy" levels in many places. Experts advise that when the air is polluted, people should limit their outdoor activities and avoid prolonged exercise. #sseayp2022#DG8#bethechange



https://www.iqair.com/vietnam/hanoi?fbclid=IwAR0mWpTko6xUxIgk1Qb08zK bbfuYtBRCxnC3w_hAYOPTOZanz-zlb31-Nag

https://suckhoedoisong.vn/ha-noi-o-nhiem-khong-khi-thu-3-the-gioi-chuyen-gia- khuyen-cao-gi-16922091409271287.htm

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